INSPIRE - European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Assist. Prof. Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc-
Original Title
European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action
Project Team
Tanja Petrović, PhD, Ana Hofman, PhD, Jasna Fakin Bajec, PhD, Iva Kosmos, PhD, Teja Komel Klepec, Martin Pogačar, PhD-
Project ID
1 October 2022–30 September 2026 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
Horizon Europe
Sybille Reidl, Joanneum Research, Eva Sophia Myers, University of Southern Denmark, Ewa Krzaklewska, Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, Maria Caprile, NOTUS, Applied social research, Gloria Bonder, FLACSO, Gabriella Lovasz, Europa Media, Claartje Vinkenburg, Portia, Yvonne Benschop, Radboud Universiteit, Susanne Bührer, Frauenhofer, Patrizia Zanoni, Hasselt University, Lena Weber, GESIS, Leibniz institute for the social sciences, Charalampos Vassiliou, INNO
INSPIRE aims to be Europe's sustainable centre of excellence, globally renowned for the quality of its research and analysis produced on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. It brings together cutting-edge knowledge, ambitious policy approaches, and innovative practices to provide a gateway for scholars, equality experts, practitioners and trainers to connect and share resources, co-create new ones, and link strategically with public and private institutions to benefit the European Research Area.
INSPIRE's ambitious research programme develops new, relevant indicators for inclusive GEP development, conducting a GEP monitoring survey throughout Europe whilst identifying key configurations of GEP success and failure. It will fill key knowledge gaps as a result of case studies on intersectional policies, identifying promising practices in gendered regional innovation policy. INSPIRE strengthens the evidence base for informed policymaking and meaningfully engages decision-makers in policy and R&I funding for shaping the future.
INSPIRE counts on 4 Knowledge & Support Hubs (KSHs) led by leading academics and renowned practitioners throughout Europe to develop cutting edge knowledge on sustaining change, widening participation, intersectionality and fostering innovation and change in the private sector. These KSHs will provide support to 12 communities of practice (involving more than 95 institutions) to facilitate GEP implementation and foster mutual support for the co-development of innovative practices, customized training, andpan-European data collection. INSPIRE will reduce disparities across Member States and strengthen the ERA through its distributed approach, spreading knowledge, know-how and new opportunities for more open and inclusive research and innovation across Europe.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101058537