PhD in Ethnology, Professor of History, Research Associate
Address: Research Station Nova Gorica, Delpinova 12, 5000 Nova Gorica
+386 31 322 387
+386 5 335 73 25
Jasna Fakin Bajec is an ethnologist, cultural anthropologist and historian. In 2010 she received her PhD with the theme Processes of Creating Cultural Heritage between Tradition and Challenges of Modern Society in Karst region (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of arts).
Her research interests focus on cultural practices of making heritage for the social, cultural, environmental and economic development of local communities. Based on her work with local associations, heritage and cultural institutions, primary and secondary schools and municipalities she develops participatory approaches, methods and techniques to achieve integrative/inclusive valorisation, conservation, management and interpretation of cultural heritage. She gives particular attention to the empowerment and inclusion of civil society, especially marginalized groups, in heritage practices, seeing them as opportunities for critical reflection on the questions of who I am, who I belong to and how to move forward. She also reflects on the importance of memories, emotions and affective reactions of the bearers of cultural practices in the mobilization of heritage for commercial purposes and consequently in the violation of cultural rights. Her heritage and cultural studies been published in scholarly articles, collections of scholarly papers, and a book.
She is also interested in the problems of the function of the humanities in ensuring social cohesion in local communities, preserving cultural diversity, and developing competitiveness and innovation in modern, technologically developed society.
POLJAK ISTENIČ, Saša, FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Luxury food tour: perspectives and dilemmas on the "luxurification" of local culture in tourism product. Acta geographica Slovenica, 2021, 61, št. 1, str. 169-184.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna, POGAČAR, Martin, STRAUS, Matevž. Stories, objects, interfaces: digital technology and cultural heritage among the young. Transactions on internet research. [Online ed.], Jul. 2021, vol. 17, no. 2, str. 51-59.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. An integrated approach to the revitalization, safeguarding and management of cultural heritage: how to establish a durable and active local group of stakeholders. Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, 2020, letn. 30, št. 2, str. 285-300.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine: na razpotju med neoliberalizmom in prostovoljstvom v okviru dediščinskih društev. Etnolog: glasnik Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja. [Nova vrsta], 2020, letn. 30, str. 69-88.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Vključevanje skupnosti v razvoj in upravljanje kulturne dediščine v aplikativnih evropskih projektih. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 2020, 60, št. 1, str. 90-100.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. The interpretation and utilization of cultural heritage and its values by young people in Slovenia : is heritage really boring and uninteresting?. Etnološka tribina : godišnjak Hrvatskog etnološkog društva, 2019, vol. 49, no. 42, str. 173-193.
POGAČAR, Martin, FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna, POLAJNAR HORVAT, Katarina, SMREKAR, Aleš, TIRAN, Jernej. Promises and limits of participatory urban greens development : experience from Maribor, Budapest, and Krakow. V: NARED, Janez (ur.), BOLE, David (ur.). Participatory research and planning in practice, (The urban book series, ISSN 2365-757X). Cham (Switzerland): Springer Open. cop. 2020, str. 75-89.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna (soavtor in urednik). Community-sourced cultural heritage valorization model. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2020.
LIČEN, Nives, FINDEISEN, Dušana, FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Communities of practice as a methodology for grassroots innovation in sustainable adult education. Andragoška spoznanja, 2017, letn. 23, št. 1, str. 23-39.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Cultural heritage and the role of voluntary associations in the process of achieving sustainable development in rural communities. Studia ethnologica Croatica, 2016, vol. 28, str. 21-45.
Heritage in action: Participatory methods and digital learning sources for inclusion of youth in heritage practices and education (target research project • November 1, 2019 - October 31, 2021)
NewPilgrimAge: 21th century reinterpretation of the St. Martin related shared values and cultural heritage as a new driver for community-sourced hospitality (INTERREG • June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2020)
UGB - Urban Green Belts – Smart integrated models for sustainable management of urban green spaces for creating more healthy and liveable urban environments (INTERREG • June 1, 2016 - May 30, 2019)
Current post
research fellow, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies SRS SASA, (from 3 October 2013)
Previous posts
Research assistant, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, ZRC SAZU (2009 - 2013)
Young researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, ZRC SAZU (2003 - 2009)
Primary school Komen (from 2002 to 2003)
PhD, 2010, Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology, Faculty of arts, University of Ljubljana; thesis title: “Cultural heritage between tradition and innovation”
BA, 2002, Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology, Faculty of arts, University of Ljubljana; thesis title: “Komen – the Paris of the Karst: Tourist development in Komen and nearby karst villages between the First and the Second World War”
Teaching experience
Assistant professor, Faculty of humanities, University of Nova Gorica, BA in Cultural history, from October 2009: Cultural heritage in historical perspective
Research interests
cultural heritage, tradition, identity, memory, the development of ecotourism and eco agriculture, the sustainable development of local community, the history and ethnology of Karst region