Publikacija Mirroring Europe Ideas of Europe and Europeanization in Balkan Societies Balkan Studies Library 13 Leto: 2014 Uredila: Tanja Petrović Redna cena109,21 €
Publikacija The Great War and Memory in Central and South-Eastern Europe Balkan Studies Library 17 Leto: 2016 Uredil: Oto Luthar Redna cena99,00 €
Publikacija The Land Between [druga izdaja] A History of Slovenia (second, revised edition) Leto: 2013 Avtorji: Oto Luthar, Marjeta Šašel Kos, Petra Svoljšak, Martin Pogačar, Peter Štih, Dušan Kos, Peter Kos, Igor Grdina, Alja Brglez Redna cena29,00 €
Publikacija Green Is Good Planning Urban Green Spaces With People, Not For People Leto: 2019 Avtorji: Jasna Fakin Bajec, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Petra Kolenc, Martin Pogačar, Aleš Smrekar, Jernej Tiran
Publikacija The Land of Shadows [prva izdaja] The memory of the expulsion and disappearance of the Jewish community in Prekmurje Leto: 2012 Avtorja: Oto Luthar, Martin Pogačar
Publikacija Margins of memory Anti-Semitism and the destruction of the Jewish community in Prekmurje Leto: 2012 Avtor: Oto Luthar
Publikacija The Land of Shadows [druga izdaja] The memory of the expulsion and disappearance of the Jewish community in Prekmurje Leto: 2016 Avtorja: Oto Luthar, Martin Pogačar Redna cena9,00 €Spletna cena8,10 €SPLETNA TRGOVINA
Publikacija The Slovenian Righteous among Nations Leto: 2016 Uredila: Oto Luthar, Irena Šumi Redna cena14,00 €Spletna cena12,60 €SPLETNA TRGOVINA
Publikacija Istanbul Faces of freedom Leto: 2023 Avtorja: Manca Juvan, Oto Luthar Redna cena39,00 €Spletna cena35,10 €SPLETNA TRGOVINA