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Sites of memory, sites of barrier: memory and identity in the Italoslovene borderlands in the long 20th century

  • Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU

    Tanja Petrović, PhD
  • Original Title

    Kraji spomina, kraji meje: spomin in identiteta na slovensko-italijanskem mejnem območju v dolgem dvajsetem stoletju

  • Project Team

    Oto Luthar, PhD
  • Duration

    1 July 2014–30 June 2017
  • Lead Partner

    Borut Klabjan, PhD, University of Primorska

  • Project Leader

    University of Primorska

  • Financial Source

    Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

  • Partners

    Vida Rožac Darovec, University of Primorska, Mateja Režek, University of Primorska, Jure Ramšak, PhD, University of Primorska, Jože Pirjevec, PhD, University of Primorska, Egon Pelikan, PhD, University of Primorska, Miha Kosmač, PhD, University of Primorska, Manca Grgić Renko, University of Primorska, Dragica Čeč, PhD, University of Primorska, Tomislav Vignjević, PhD, University of Primorska

The project focuses on the Italian-Slovenian border area, which in comparison with other European areas often remains neglected when approaching the questions politics of memory. The goal is utilise and combine the tools from different research areas thus to understand how in border and transnational areas the cultures of memory, the politics of memory and memory itself are shaped, intertwined and how they overlap. The research departs from the assumption that memory places are not merely topographic, but also include the more immaterial pegs in the assembly of region’s collective imaginaries.

Research Project