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Oto Luthar, PhD

Director of ZRC SAZU, Principal Research Associate, Professor

+386 1 47 06 412

+386 1 42 55 253


In his research, Dr Luthar focuses on issues of history and historiography, philosophy of history, history of modern intellectual practices, historical revisionism, modern history of ideas and cultural history of the Great War.

In 2011, Dr Luthar was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honour, a recognition of his endeavours for improvement of collaboration between ZRC and Austrian institutions in the fields of history, history of art, ethnology, Slavistics, musicology and philosophy.

Dr Luthar is member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute for Culture Studies and Theatre History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and member of the External Advisory Board of the Centre for the Study of the Balkans, Goldsmiths College, University of London; member of the permanent delegation of the Republic of Slovenia for cooperation in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and member of its academic work group; and member of the National Geographic Slovenia Editorial board.

LUTHAR, Oto. The sanitation of Slovenian post-socialist memorial landscape. V: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), UHL, Heidemarie (ur.). The memory of guilt revisited : the Slovenian post-socialist remembrance landscape in transition. Göttingen: V & R unipress, cop. 2019. Jg. 46, h. 2, str. 261-273, 297. Zeitgeschichte, Jg. 46, H. 2. ISBN 978-3-8471-1007-1. ISSN 0256-5250. DOI: 10.14220/zsch.2019.46.2.261. [COBISS.SI-ID 44880685]

LUTHAR, Oto. Post-communist memory culture and the historiography of the Second World War and the post-war execution of Slovenian colaborationists. Politička misao. 2018, vol. 55, no. 2, str. 33-49. ISSN 0032-3241. DOI: 10.20901/pm.55.2.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 43255853]

LUTHAR, Oto. Monuments, mediatisation and memory politics : the Slovenian post-socialist memorial landscape in transit. V: PUŠNIK, Maruša (ur.), LUTHAR, Oto (ur.). The media of memory. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, an imprint of the Brill-Group, cop. 2020. Str. 25-42. Balkan studies library, vol. 29. ISBN 978-3-506-70447-4. ISSN 1877-6272. DOI: 10.30965/9783657704477_003. [COBISS.SI-ID 34412035]
financer: ARRS, Programi, P6-0347, SI, Historične interpretacije 20. Stoletja

LUTHAR, Oto, RATEJ, Mateja. Besetzung und / oder Befreiung : zur Kulturgeschichte der interkulturellen Praxen, der Nachkriegsgewalt und der Nationalisierung des Alltagslebens in der Untersteiermark / Štajerska nach 1918. V: HÖHNE, Steffen (ur.). Zusammenbruch, Trauma, Triumph : das Epochenjahr 1918 und sein Nachleben in Zentral-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020. Str. 275-294. Ostmitteleuropa interdisziplinär, 2. ISBN 978-3-447-11535-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 45735427]

LUTHAR, Oto. Memory, revision, resistance : reviving the partisan monuments along the Slovenian-Italian border. V: KLABJAN, Borut (ur.). Borderlands of memory : Adriatic and Central European perspectives. Oxford [etc.]: P. Lang, cop. 2019. Str. 235-251, zvd. Cultural memories, vol. 11. ISBN 978-1-78874-134-7. ISSN 2235-2325. [COBISS.SI-ID 44080941]

LUTHAR, Oto. Im Schatten des Schweigens : Österreich-Slowenien : eine Nachbarschaft im Wandel. V: CABADA, Ladislav (ur.), WALSCH, Christopher (ur.). Imaginäre Räume in Zentraleuropa : kulturelle Transformationen, politische Repräsentationen und trans/nationale Identitätsentwürfe. Herne: Gabriele Schäfer, cop. 2019. Str. 29-52. Studien zur Geschichte Ost- und Ostmitteleuropas, Bd. 14. ISBN 978-3-944487-66-3, ISBN 3-944487-66-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 44879661]
financer: ARRS, Programi, P6-0347, SI, Historične interpretacije 20. Stoletja

LUTHAR, Oto. (Družbeno)kritično zgodovinopisje. V: et al. Zgodovina historične misli : od Homerja do začetka 21. stoletja. 1. e-izd. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2019. ISBN 978-961-05-0238-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 45581613]

Current post

Professor of History

Director of Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia


PhD, 1991, Department of history, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana; thesis title “Interpretation of some contemporary historiography theories: myths, poetry, science and behavior as manifestations of modern history of general and national historiography”

Teaching experience

Zeitgeschichte als Geschichte des 20. und 21. jahrhuderts – Krieg,  Holocaust und Genozid imeuropäischen Gedächtnis (Universität Wien, marec 2009).

Modern History of Ideas Intercultural Studies, University of Nova Gorica (2004-)

Professor (2004-)

Rewriting History in Post-Communist Central Europe Pedagogical Faculty, University of Maribor (2004-2005)

Associate Professor (1993-2000)

Modern History of Ideas Pedagogical Faculty, University of Maribor (1993-1999)

History in Post-Communist Central Europe Yale University, New Haven, CT (1999-2000)

Assistant Professor (1988-1993)

Social History of 19th and 20th centuries

Modern History of Ideas

International scholarships

Fulbright Research Grant, Yale University in New Haven, CT (academic year 1999/2000)

Scholarship of the Austrian Government, Institute for East-Central European Studies, Vienna

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Freie Universität, Friedrich Meinecke Institut, Berlin, Professor Jürgen Kocka

Invited lectures (selection)

The Abolition of Horizon 2.0”. Report at the annual meeting of the association RIHA, Moscow, Russia, 21. 10. 2019

“Academies and Research Autonomy”. Report at the meeting of the Academies of the Visegrad Group at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 15. 11. 2019

"Besetzung und, oder Befreiung: zur Kulturgeschichte der Grenze in der Steiermark." Lecture at the conference Zerfall, Trauma, Triumph: Das Epochenjahr 1918 und sein Nachleben in Zentral-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa na Institut für Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, Austria, 24. 5. 2018

"Slovenački prostovoljci i dobrovoljci u Srbiji za vreme i posle prvog svetskog rata." Lecture at an international scientific meeting Srbija 1918: oslobođenje domovine, povratak ratnika, život u novoj državi, Međuopštinski istorijski arhiv, Čačak, Srbija, 8. 12. 2018

"The Changes in the Post-Socialist Memorial Landscape and the Notion of the Civil War in Slovenia." Lecture at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, Eastern European & Eurasian Studies Global Conversations, Washington (D.C.), USA, 20. 11. 2017

"Im Schatten der Versöhnung: Postsozialistische Vergangenheitspolitik in Slowenien." Lecture at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria, 23. 11. 2016

“'Immer noch Sturm': the century of Austrian-Slovenian perception and neighborhood,” lecture at the “Cultural transformation in Central Europe” international conference, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic, 23 3. 2012

“Forgetting does (not) hurt: Slovenian national identity and traumatic memory,” lecture at the 42nd Annual Convention of Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies, Los Angeles, California (ZDA), 19. 11. 2010

“Languages of desire: intercultural practices versus national loyalties in the peripheral multiethnic society of Central Europe at the beginning of twentieth century,” lecture at the “A Habsburg Birodalom népeinek kulturális integrációja” conference, Petõfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary, 4. 6. 2010

“Von der Ideologie zur Mytologie?: Historischer Revisionismus im postsozialistischen Slowenien,” lecture at Universität Wien, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlischen Fakultät, Vienna, Austria, 1. 6. 2010

“'Corpses in the move': die Ungarische Parade der Denkmäler,” visiting professor, lecture at the “Initiativkolleg Kulturen der Differenz - Holocaust und Genozid im europäischen Gedächtnis,” Universität Wien, Austria, 30. 3. 2009

“'Burying the dead, creating the past'; oder wie das Gedächtnis zu Geschichte wird,” visiting professor, lecture at the “Initiativkolleg Kulturen der Differenz - Holocaust und Genozid im europäischen Gedächtnis,” Universität Wien, Austria, 18. 3. 2009

“The land beneath” lecture given at the “Slovenia in Europe: from democratization to the EU presidency,” University of Southern Main, Glickman Library, Portland (ZDA), 3. 4. 2008

“Post-socialist memorial landscape and new Anti-Semitism,” lecture given at the “Overlapping Histories – Conflicting Memories. The Holocaust and the Cultures of Remembrance in Eastern and Central Europe,” organised by the Austrian Delegation of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF) in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Commission for Culture Studies and History of Theatre, Vienna, Austria, 23. 4. 2006

“Between assimilation and ‘positive discrimination’: Hungarians in Yugoslavia: 1945-1991,” lecture given at the Second British Academy workshop “Ethnic Politics in the Cold War,” University of Loughborough, Great Britain, March 2006

Research interests

modern history of ideas; social and cultural history of 19th and 20th centuries; theory and history of historiography; philosophy of history