Ideas about Europe and Europeanisation in comparative perspective: Slovenia and Serbia
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Tanja Petrović, PhD-
Original Title
Ideje o Evropi in evropeizaciji v primerjalni perspektivi: Slovenija in Srbija
Project Team
Ana Hofman, PhD, Oto Luthar, PhD, Martin Pogačar, PhD-
1 January 2012–31 December 2013 -
Lead Partner
Department for ethnology nad anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Belgr…
The project focuses on visions of Europe emerging in Southeastern part of the continent that have do far been mostly neglected. Thus it offers an insight into the shaping and negotiating the ideas about Europe. These are understood as dynamic, multifarious and often ambiguous processes based on values, images and metaphors found in different European societies, regardless of their particular status in the EU. The approach problematises adequacy of approaching Europe and the (Western) Balkans as two essentially different spaces.