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Conceptualization of gender in language and culture in a comparative perspective: Montenegro and Slovenia


The project focuses on nodal points in the conceptualization of gender in language, language change, culture, gender relations and social (in)equality by emphasizing a) a much-needed comparative perspective in addressing these issues and b) insisting on a transdisciplinary approach that combines linguistic analysis with the findings in other disciplines – history, pedagogy, anthropology, and political science.

Theoretically, the project is based on existing research on language and gender that emerges in the context of the so-called discursive turn. Hence, gender is understood as a concept created in discourse and not as something determined by biological sex. Gender is also closely related to social categories of class, race, ethnicity, and sexuality.

Among the most important topics that will be discussed in the bilateral project are:

Conceptual metaphors (in political, media, online discourse).

Language ideologies and their influence on the formation of gender-related imaginaries (discussions on the gender-sensitive use of language).

Gender in language policy.

Representations of women in school textbooks.

Comparative analysis of gender-related policies in socialism and post-socialism.

Gender and women in literature.

Research Project