Jezik (perma)krize: diskurzi in politike 'nove normalnosti'
26. september 2024 ob 09:30 do 27. september 2024 ob 13:30
Sejna soba IKSŠ, Trg francoske revolucije 7, 2. nadstropje.
Jezik (perma)krize: diskurzi in politike 'nove normalnosti'
DAN I (četrtek, 26. september)
09:30 – 10:00 Registracija
10:00 – 10:10 Pozdrav in otvoritev
10:10 – 11:40 Sesija I. Conceptualization of crisis 1: Health crisis and its metaphors
Ksenija Benčina & Marija Omazić (University of Osijek) – Tigers, speeding trains and snowballs: explaining complex scientific concepts during the Covid-19 pandemic
Mojca Brglez (University of Ljubljana) – Building the tweets dataset TCMeta: A look at Covid-19 metaphors in citizens’ social media posts
Mojca Ramšak (University of Ljubljana) – “The battle on the frontline”: Violence against healthcare workers in the era of Covid-19
11։40 Cdmor za kavo
11:50 – 12.50 Sesija II. Figurative representations: Assessing the effects of language
Ljiljana Šarić (University of Oslo / Institute of Croatian Language) & Radoslava Trnavac (National Research University HSE Moscow) – Climate crisis in Croatian online news media: Metaphor, agency and news values
Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (University of Zagreb) – Framing effects of metaphor in crisis discourse and socio-cultural situatedness: A view from psycholinguistics
13։00 Kosilo Pizza & salads, ICMS kitchen
15:15 Book workshop: (Re)imagining nationhood and collectivity in the ‘new normal’ Europe
16:00 – 17:00 Sesija III. Negotiating crisis: Climate, ecology and local mobilizations
Nadine Thieleman (WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business) – Framing energy transition as a socio-economic threat: Tracing the social media discourses in central and eastern Europe
Jelena Ćuković (University of Belgrade) – Ecological activism and cultural heritage narratives in Serbia: Managing ecological crisis through a bureaucratic discourse
17.00 Odmor za kavo
17:15 – 18:45 Sesija IV. Perspectives from history: (Perma)crisis, memory and continuity
Tamara Banjeglav (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana) – “It was the winter of despair”: War narratives, collective memory and the media framing of the 2020 Petrinja earthquake in Croatia
Marko Zajc (Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana) – The long life of the Yugoslav crisis discourse
Adela Hîncu (Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana) – Looking back into the future: Sociological reflections on crisis before and after the end of state socialism in Romania
20.30 Druženje ob pijači LP Bar, Novi Trg 2 (by ZRC SAZU glavni vhod)
Dan II (petek, 27. september)
10:00 – 11:30 Sesija V. Conceptualization of crisis 2: Metaphors in political discourse
Dario Del Fante (University of Ferrara) – Crisis and migration in Italian political discourse over time: A corpus-based study
Špela Antloga (University of Maribor) – Metaphorical potentials and the notion of crisis in Slovenian parliamentary discourse
Elena Negrea-Busuioc (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Romania) – Running a humanitarian marathon: Metaphors used in Romanian investigative media reports on the Ukrainian refugee crisis
11:30 – 11:45 Odmor za torto
11:45 – 13.15 Sesija VI. Crisis (mis)communication, ‘truth’ and meaning-making
Eva Triebl (University of Vienna) – Too difficult for you to process: Metapragmatics in Austrian political discourse during permacrisis
Emilija Radibratović (University of Belgrade / Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, RS) – Persuasion in confusion: Pandemic vaccine discourse from a critical perspective
Marija Mandić & Jelena Ćeriman (University of Belgrade) – Gender-sensitive language, linguistic truths and anti-gender mobilizations in times of ‘gender crisis’ in Serbia
13։15 Zaključek konference