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Katja Kobolt, PhD

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Katja Kobolt is a scholar of comparative and cultural studies. Since her studies in comparative literature and literary history and journalism at the University of Ljubljana (1996-2002), her interdisciplinary PhD in literary studies at LMU Munich (2002-2010), and her many years as a curator, her research interests have focused on critical, especially feminist, interventions in processes of memorialization, historicization, and institutionalisation. She is particularly interested in the epistemological, cultural-material, and social hegemonization of art and culture, especially in relation to intersectionality and social reproduction. She is particularly interested in women's authorship in the Yugoslav, post-Yugoslav, and Eastern European spaces.

As a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, ZRC SAZU, Dr. Kobolt is currently researching women illustrators in children's books in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1945-1991) and its characteristic and changing conditions of production. She pays particular attention to infrastructural issues and concepts of childhood, family, social reproduction, aesthetic education and subjectification, as well as their social embeddedness in different Yugoslav temporalities and spaces.

Dr Kobolt has initiated and implemented research, educational, publication, art and cultural projects in collaboration with various institutions, universities and civil society actors. She was a spokesperson and eventually artistic and executive director of City of Women - Association for the promotion of women in culture (2000-2008), co-founder of the post-Yugoslav feminist curatorial collective Red Mined (2011-2017) and the artistic research platform N*A*I*L*S hacks*facts*fictions (2018-), as well as a researcher and curator of No Stop Non Stop (2016-2019)-a project on the representation of migration, and Corneous Stories (2019-2020), a research on cosmetics in society and time. Dr. Kobolt has taught as a visiting lecturer and assistant professor at Humboldt-Universität Berlin ( Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies), as a guest lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts ( College of Fine Arts, class Monica Bonvicini), and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Institute for Art Pedagogy ). She works as a researcher at the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Since October 2024 she has been engaged also as an assistant professor at the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica.

(Co-author) Grafenauer, P. (eds.) Corneous Stories: Cosmetics in Society and Time. Ljubljana: City of Women – Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, University of Ljubljana The Academy of Fine Arts and Design, 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID - 28783363]

How to Speak Precarious Histories from a Precarious Position? Form(s) of knowledge. Nothing is given …. In: Buden, B. and Dokuzović, L. (eds.). They’ll Never Walk Alone. The Life and Afterlife of Gastarbeiters. Vienna: transversal texts, 2018, pp. 125–144. [COBISS.SI-ID - 70900227]

Meine lieben Mit/Bürger*innen! : von Plätzchenbacken, Garichtssälen, Moscheen und Subjektivierungsphantasien = My dear fellow citizens! : on baking cookies, courtrooms, mosques and subjectivisation fantasies. In: Warsza, J.(ed.). A city curating reader : Public Art Munich 2018 : performative art in the city = performative Kunst in der Stadt. Munich: Public Art Munich, 2018, pp. 318-334. [COBISS.SI-ID - 71358979]

Atlantis. Zu Kontext und Pragmatik postjugoslawischer Kunst. In: Richter, A. and Matijević, T. (eds.). Schwimmen gegen den Strom? Diskurse weiblicher Autorschaft im postjugoslawischen Kontext. Berlin: Slavica Varia Halensia/LIT Verlag, 2018, pp. 189–209. [COBISS.SI-ID - 71063811]

Post-Yugoslav Contemporary Art Practice as a Generating Force of Emancipatory Memory and Politics. Ìñtèrkùltùràlnòst : časopis za podsticanje i afirmaciju interkulturalne komunikacije

11,  2016, pp. 119–128. [COBISS.SI-ID - 70892803]

(Co-author) Petrović, J. (eds.) No One Belongs Here More Than You. The Living Archive: Curating Feminist Knowledge. Belgrade: Cultural Center Belgrade, Cicero, 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID - 70948611]

(Co-author) Zdravković, L. (eds.) Performative Gestures - Political Moves. Women Performance Artists in Eastern Europe. Zagreb: Red Athena UP, 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID - 2987099]

Feminist Curatorial Practices and Feminist Canon-Building Strategies as Political Actions. In: Kivimaa, K. (ed.). Working with Feminism: Curating and Exhibitions in Eastern Europe. Tallinn: Tallinn University Pres, 2012, pp. 40–63. [COBISS.SI-ID - 71047939]

Wahlverwandschaften: Kunst und Erinnerung im Libanon und in Bosnien-Herzegowina. In:  Jakiša, M. and Pflitsch, A. (eds.). Jugoslavien – Libanon Verhandlung von Zugehörigkeit in fragmentierten Gesellschaften (Literatur - Musik - Kunst – Film). Berlin: Kadmos, 2012, pp. 318–333. [COBISS.SI-ID - 31852125]

Nezadovoljna bela ženska od dvojne k trojni obremenjenosti ali ujetnica dialektike vica. Petrović, J. and Arsenijević, D.  (eds.). Feminizam : politika jednakosti za sve : specialni broj časopisa za žensku književnost i kulturu Profemina. Belgrade: Fond B92, 2011, pp. 19-26. [COBISS.SI-ID - 47152738]

Frauen schreiben Geschichte(n): Krieg, Geschlecht und Erinnern im ehemaligen Jugoslawien. Klagenfurt/Vienna: Drava Verlag, 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID - 1303291]

(Co-author) Petrović, J. and Arsenijević, D. (eds.) Gender Literature and Cultural Memory in the Post-Yugoslav Space. Ljubljana: City of Women and ZAK, 2009.[COBISS.SI-ID - 249224960]

Smrt u Muzeju moderne umjetnosti Alme Lazarevske – ili : Zašto se ratna literatura ženskih autora (spisateljica) ne recipira kao književnost o ratu. Sarajevske sveske, 14, ISSN - 1512-8539, 2006, pp. 297–320. [COBISS.SI-ID - 71356163]

All publications (COBISS)

Selected projects

Corneous Stories: Cosmetics in Society and Time, District Berlin  in collaboration with City  Women – Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University Ljubljana / Germany and Slovenia, 2019-2020, researcher, curator:

no stop non stop, 50. Years Gastarbeiter-Agrement between BRD and SFRY, Forum programme, exhibition and a publication at the Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich / Germany, 2015-2019, researcher, artistic and managing director, editor, organizer:

Discursive, artistic, and publishing programme of the Lothringer13 Florida, Munich / Germany, 2016–2019, programme and managing co-director, editor:

D’Est, multi-curatorial platform for the research of video art on post-socialist transformations, Berlin / Germany, 2018, co-researcher and co-curator, writer:

Der Fahrende Raum, art educational and discursive programme, Kultur und Spielraum, Munich, / Germany, 2016-2017, programme co-director and art educator:

The 54. October Salon/No One Belongs Here More Than You,  exhibition, discursive and art educational programme, publications, Belgrade / Serbia, 2013-2014, researcher, curator, art educator, editor

The Living Archive Editions, discursive, art educational, artistic programme and exhibitions at Centre for Women Studies Zagreb, Academy of Fine Arts Ljubljana, MOTA, Human Rights Centre Sarajevo, Open Space and VBKÖ Vienna, / Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia, Austria, Sweden, 2011-2015, researcher, artistic co-director, writer, editor, organizer:

Cross Border Experience conference, The Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2011, artistic director, researcher, conference co-director, organizer:

Performative Gestures Political Moves, Symposium on Women Performance Artists in Eastern Europe – Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, City of Women, Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2010, initiator, organizer and moderator, editor:

13th and 14th City of Women Association and International Festival Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2006-2008, programme and managing director, researcher, editor:

12th International Festival City of Women, Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2006, managing coordinator:

Gender, Literature and Cultural Memory in the Context of Southeastern Europe, Symposium / City of Women, Cankarjev dom, ISH-Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2006, initiator, organizer, moderator and editor:

6th, 7th and 10th International Festival City of Women, Ljubljana / Slovenia, 200-2005, Communication and PR:

Station Transition, young Slovene arts, Balkanet e.V. and Südost-Institut, München / Germany, 2003-2004, initiator, artistic director, editor:


Current post

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions research fellow at Institute of Cultural and Memory Studies, Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia


PhD at the PhD Programme The Class of Literature / Graduate School Language & Literature Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Germany: Frauen schreiben Geschichte(n): Krieg, Geschlecht und Erinnern im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, 2010

Master at the Faculty of Arts / Department for Comparative Literature and Literary Theory; and Faculty of Social Sciences / Chair of Journalism, University of Ljubljana / Slovenia, 2002

Languages and additional skills      

Slovenian (mother tongue); German, English, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (proficient); French (intermediate)

Additional skills: artistic research, exhibition-making and curating of events, communication, and public relations

Teaching experience

Visiting lecturer at The Faculty of History and Art / Institut für Kunstpädagogik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Germany, 2018-2020

Visiting lecturer at the College of Fine Arts / Institute for Art, UDK Berlin University of Arts / Germany, 2018

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities / Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin / Germany, 2013-2014

Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities / Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin / Germany, 2010

Selected invited scientific talks and presentations, conference contributions

Curating (from) the margins – possible and imaginary templates, invited seminar at Kammerspiele Munich in collaboration with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Göttingen / Ethnologie, Universität Frankfurt / Dramaturgie, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama London und Hochschule München / Germany, 27 May 2018           

(A)Politicality of Retroutopia through Private: Public ReConfigurations. The Films by Jasmina Cibic, invited lecture at Female Identities in the Post-Utopian. Perspectives on Post-Socialism from Art and Theory, University of Fine Arts, Hamburg / Germany, 19–20 January 2017

How to speak precarious histories from a precarious position? Form(s) of knowledge. Nothing is given …, invited lecture at the conference They’ll Never Walk Alone: Remembering Gastarbeiters in the Neoliberal Age, eipcp – European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, Depot, Vienna / Austria, 6–7 October, 2016

How to Think Women’s Authorship (in post-Yugoslav Condition)? Cases of War Literature and Performativity, invited lecture at the symposium Schwimmen gegen den Strom? Diskurse weiblicher Autorschaft im postjugoslawischen Kontext, Martin-Luther-Universität, Seminar für Slavistik, Halle / Germany, 26–29 November 2015

“Troubled Agency”. Thesen zum Kontext und Pragmatik (postjugoslawischer) Kunst, invited lecture at WissenschaftLITERATUR: Inszenierungen des Dissens, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies / Germany, 8 January 2014            

The Bring In Take Out Living Archive: The Facets of Feminist Curating, invited lecture at the conference and panel moderation Writing / Curating / Making Feminist Art Histories, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh / UK, 27–28 March 2014    

Contemporary Art in Ex-Yugoslavia: Loci of (Re)Politisation, invited lecture at University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London / UK, 20 March 2012  

Feminist Curatorial Practices and Feminist Canon-Building Strategies as Political Actions, invited lecture at the symposium Common Differences: Issues for Feminist Curating in Post-Socialist Europe, Academy of Visual Arts, Tallinn / Estonia, 27–28 May 2011

War, Art and Memory, invited lecture at the conference Nach den Kriegen: Narrationen, Erinnerungen und Aufarbeitung der Kriege in Ex- Jugoslawien, Südost-Institut, Regensburg / Germany, 10–13 December 2009

A comparative approach to the Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian literature as a transnational political practice, invited lecture at the symposium On (Trans)Nationalism In The Mediterranean, The St Antony’s College University of Oxford, Oxford /UK, 26–28 May 2006

Fellowships and awards

MSCA fellowship, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, / Slovenia, 2021-2004

PhD Fellowship DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) / Germany, 2002-2005

PhD Fellowship Promotion of equal chances for women in research and teaching Bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung, LMU Munich / Germany, 2005-2006

The AD Futura national fund mobility fellowship / Slovenia, 2002-2005

Commissions of trust

Managing board member of the Association Balkanet e.V. for SouthEast Europe Munich / Germany, 2016-2020

Managing board member (2006–2008) and Advisory board member (since 2009)  (/ Association for promotion of women in culture City of Women Ljubljana / Slovenia

Advisory board member / Association for Culture and Art – Crvena, Sarajevo / Bosnia and Hercegovina,

Research interests

General research areas: cultural history, gender history, history of art and architecture, literary theory and comparative literature, history of literature, visual arts, performing arts, design, history of collective identities and memories.

Specific research areas: South Slavonic studies, (post-)Yugoslav and (post-)socialist studies