Sounds of border: Music and identity in Slovenian border regions
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Ana Hofman, PhD-
Original Title
Zvoki meje: Glasba in identiteta v obmejnih območjih v Sloveniji
1 May 2009–30 April 2011 -
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Sounds of border: Music and identity in Slovenian border regions focuses on the role of musical practices, imagining real and imagined symbolic borders and delves into the ways music, a performative activity, is used in shaping the so called “experience of the border.” The object of study is the region of Prekmurje, a space of longlasting heritage of international and supranational formations (empires, military alliances and Cold War blocs) and also a region where national spaces are shaped. The project interrogates the ways these processes affect musical representations in creating and defending identities.