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Translation of international literature in the interwar Yugoslav feminist magazine Žena danas

guest lecture by Elena Messner (University of Vienna, University of Klagenfurt)

Basic information

October 9, 2024 at 12:30 to October 9, 2024 at 14:00
at the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU (Trg francoske revolucije 7, 2. floor))

The translation work in the magazine Žena danas (19361940) was linked not only to feminist, but also to Marxist and anti-fascist ideals. The translation work was an activist canonisation process that spread the global feminist-anti-fascist discourse through translations in Yugoslavia. It contained feminist-subversive elements as well as elements that did not escape the patriarchal or hegemonic  discourse. What can we learn from this case in terms of feminist theories of translation?

Elena Messner (b. 1983 in Klagenfurt), grew up in Klagenfurt, Ljubljana and Salzburg. She studied Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna and carried out a number of research projects and guest studies in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade and Aix-en-Provence, where she also taught at the University of Aix-Marseille. Since 2023, she has been a Senior Scientist (FWF) at the University of Vienna, researching in the Department of Slavonic Studies. Elena Messner teaches at the University of Klagenfurt and is also active as a writer, translator, curator and editor.

The Lecure will be in English.