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Affect’s Social Lives. Post-Yugoslav Reflections.

Edited by: Ana Hofman, Tanja Petrović
Year: 2023

Why is the talk about Yugoslavia still emotionally charged and situated in the registers of passion, pain, sentimental recollections, or nostalgia even 30 years after its violent dissolution? How is the sphere of the affective, sensory, and embodied fundamental to understanding the historical project of Yugoslavia and its afterlives? The chapters in this book address these questions by focusing on artistic practices and explore how the attempts to conceptually capture our social realities in their messy, fluid, and indeterminate natures contribute to a nuanced understanding of the complex sociopolitical processes in the region.

Table of content


United in Sevdalinka? Affective Aspirations for the Yugoslav Space
Alenka Bartulović

E/Affect Agropop: How Pop and Joke Made People Resonate in the 1980s
Martin Pogačar

Slovenian Trubači: The Economies of Affect within and beyond Ethno-Racialized Difference
Mojca Kovačič, Ana Hofman

Labor Pains: The Affective Lives and Times of the Roma in (Post-)Yugoslav Film
Dijana Jelača

Alternative Cinematic and Literary Histories of Yugoslavia and the “Power to Be Affected”
Tanja Petrović

The Noise Dissolves at the Border: Affect and Mobilities in Gastarbajteri Buses
Mišo Kapetanović

Popular Music in the Everyday Life of Working-Class People during and after Socialist Yugoslavia: The Endurance of Čaga
Rajko Muršič

The “Secret Knowledge” of Carousing: From Orientalizing Other to (Not) Becoming-Other
Marina Simić

The Affects of Wars and Gypsy Bars: Notes on Re-reading an Old Book
Mattijs van de Port

More ...

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19.00 €

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collective volume
everyday life


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