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105 petkov. Kolesarski protesti 2020–2022.

Editorial Board: Sanja Fidler, Jaša Jenull, Janez Zalaznik
Year: 2023

The Friday protests 2020-2022 represent a civil society movement as we have not seen in the history of Slovenia. Never before has there been such a large gap between the authorities and civil society, never before have we witnessed such a numerous and long-lived movement that, despite direct political and police repression, would fight so decisively, articulately and unwaveringly for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.


In addition to the large number, diversity of content and persistence, the protests were characterized primarily by artistic approaches and the development of protest culture. This was reflected in creative slogans, banners, giant paper and cardboard puppets, decorated bicycles, light installations, poetry, music and humor...


The book 105 PETKOV. Kolesarski protesti 2020–2022 ('105 FRIDAYS. Bicycle Protests 2020-2022') presents a chronological overview of 105 weeks of the Friday protest movement, explains the temporal and spatial context, opens up the thoughts of various authors on the protest movement and visually documents highlights from all protests. The book on more than 300 pages shows over 450 photographs by renowned photographers and presents the most vivid, comprehensive and in-depth insight into the protest movement of more than two years.


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Maša Levičnik: Velika protestna razstava 105 petkov; RTV Slovenija, Osmi dan, 8. 6. 2023

Aljaž Novak: Jezni jastreb Janez s covid položnicami; Primorske novice, 3. 6. 2023

Petja Grafenauer: Protest kot umetnost; Mladina 22/2023, 2. 6. 2023

Palača Cukrana z razstavo o 105 petkih "muzej upora in aktivnega državljanstva" ; Primorski dnevnik, 30. 5. 2023

Domen Mezeg: Boter kolesarskih protestov prišel na ogled; Nova 24 TV, 30. 5. 2023

Velika protestna razstava: 105 petkov (Kolesarski protesti 2020-2022); STA video, 27. 5. 2023

Neža Mrevlje: Razstavljen kulturni arzenal protestov; Dnevnik, 27. 5. 2023

Jure Trampuš: 105 petkov - Izšla je velika knjiga o kolesarskih protestih, izid pa spremlja še večja razstava; Mladina 21/2023, 26. 5. 2023

Matic Tomšič: Odprli so razstavo o petkovih kolesarskih protestih;, 26. 5. 2023

Gal Kovač: Milček Komelj: Politizacija ZRC je Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti v sramoto!; Nova 24 TV, 24. 5. 2023

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25.00 €

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