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The power of memory

Basic information

November 5, 2012 at 10:00 to November 5, 2012 at 17:00
Študentska soba, Novi trg 2

The conference will explore the narrativisation of traumatic past and related changes of memory politics in post-1989 Europe and will bring into focus the following questions:

• How do post-socialist historiographies shape different European understandings and memories of narratives of traumatic events of the 20th century?

• How are traumatic events of the 20th century renarrated in writing production and memorial museums after 1989?

• How is the memory of traumatic past negotiated in the process of EU-integration of post-socialist countries into European space of communication which also incorporates the countries not (yet) belonging to the EU? Does the process of renarrating and renegotiating the past contribute to the shaping of a shared topography of ‘European memory’?
